Let us rejoice is the English translation of the title to this classic Jewish folk tune. It was in full regalia on the day of celebration for Seth and Mo. I teamed with Carson Grey to shoot this amazing gala. The Bel El Congregation hosted the event and the Rabbis in attendance were very enthusiastic during the proceedings. Post-service festivities were complete with all of the wonderful customs of a Jewish Wedding. The night was filled with live and joyous Klezmer music, the traditional breaking of glass and some contemporary dancing. The men cut a rug doing the ages-old Horah dance. I gained a great deal of knowledge and appreciation for the Jewish Culture while working this event. There were also some colorful and unique yarmulkes, worn by the men and boys in attendance. One sported the logo (Hook ‘em Horns) of the University of Texas. As traditions go, the old and new made for a well-rounded affair on this special evening.