After their wedding ceremony at The Friendship Community Church in Pittsburgh, guests were poised to shower this couple with a celebratory shower of seeds. Bird seeds. Matt and Nina, being the environmentally conscious people that they are, made sure that their joy was shared not just with the attendees but with some of their feathered friends as well. Nina loves to paint and her and Matt mixed some colors on a small canvas at the altar. I loved the imagination! A spunky reception followed at a community center in Braddock, PA. A fog machine, a broom that doubled as an air guitar and Matt’s back-flipping brother, who is an absolute dancing machine, were the highlights. And the food of choice (Pierogis) was classic Pittsburgh fare. The bridal party posed for portraits in some alley ways and they chatted me up while having a good time mugging for the camera. Community and friendship were the true themes this day.